2014年11月3日 星期一

【飛行囈恣園】- 游依珊個展



藝術家面對面:11.7(五) 10:00-12:00

開幕茶會&記者會:11.3(一) 10:00-12:00


如果要為「飛行」系列作一個美學上的分析,我認為那是個人對於藝術上追求關於「自由」的一種精神層次。「飛行」系列當中的繪畫型態並沒有要去構築出什麼特殊的美學性,所處理的卻較像是異想冥思之類的表達。這樣反而卻是一種繪畫當中更基礎的性質 — 「自由」。在我的創作裡,飛行可以是任何東西,它的形象允許不確定性,可以是漂浮…甚至是一種神遊。在「飛行」系列當中,主導繪畫的並不是眼前所見抽象的視覺主導性,也不在反應形式上的造形或風格問題,而是本人如何面對創作之冥思創化的把握。



賴小秋 撰稿
游依珊是位創作力驚人的藝術家,立志從事專業藝術創作的時間不盈十載,作品卻能顯現出恢弘氣魄與深度,並非科班出身的她卻能以油性蠟筆層層堆疊出兔子系列創作《紅兔》《白兔》《藍兔》初試聲啼便榮獲2007《台灣美術新貌展》平面創作獎,從此藝術創作在她的人生中波瀾壯闊地開展,不畏艱難通過美術學院的洗禮取得碩士學位,研究更上層樓賦予她寬廣的揮灑空間,媒材多樣化,試煉新奇創作技法的機會,往往因緣際會之下催化出當代新穎的視覺展現。游依珊戲稱其繪畫生涯是以「塗鴉」開始,主題來自於熟悉的周遭生活事物、動物形體,在其創作中輪廓鮮明地呈現動物的溫馴婉約、聰慧靈敏、沈默神秘,近期延續的抽象飛行系列揮灑自我直覺與冥想,創作出畫面中剎那的永恆,凝聚出一股清新的力量,將本質詮釋得淋漓盡致,是敘事亦是真摯情感的流洩。Robert Storr曾說過,「基本上藝術創作就是個召喚的動作像辨識出世界事物的原始實質再作轉化工作,這過程沒有絲毫本質(quiddity)的遺漏」。依珊的飛行物系列掙脫世俗的枷鎖,讓想像力無限地延展馳騁,其最大特徵是凝聚出自我神秘優雅的氛圍。

WHEN: Monday, Monday Nov.3, 2014 ~ Wednesday Dec. 3, 2014
ADMISSION: FREE; no registration required.
CONTACT : The Art Center of National Tsing Hua University at chensl@mx.nthu.edu.tw Tel : 03-715131 ext. 62012

Flying over a unbridled Dream Garden –
You Yi Shan Exhibition
Time: Monday Nov.3, 2014 ~ Wednesday Dec. 3, 2014
Venue: Art Center Gallery of National Tsing Hua University
Opening Ceremony and face to face with Artist: Monday Nov. 7 , 2014 at 10: 00am ~12: 00pm
Statement from the You Yi Shan :

"Flying over a unbridled Dream Garden" inherited the flying series since 2005.

If you want to analyze the "flying" series aesthetically, I think it was personal pursuit for art on "freedom" of a spirit level. In the "Flying" series, the painting pattern does not look for building up special aesthetics, but more likely to express a different sort of meditation, instead it is a basic nature to be found in painting itself - "freedom." In my work, flying could be anything with image allowing uncertainties, which might be floating … or even a kind of fugue. In "Flying" series, what dominates the painting is not an abstract visual form, shape or style, it the control of my medication during the process of creation.
"Dreamer Flying," expresses ones’ presence and soul. The inner heart plays as circle center. The series aim huge and inexplicable emptiness of space, wandering in between figurative and abstract, expressing a hero's feelings between reality and the ideal, highlighting the absurdity and awe-inspiring, telling the story of each humorous and lonely hearts in the metropolitan world.

My personal creation is about pursuit of a spiritual level of freedom, a kind of child-like innocence and comforts during the painting process, and also expression of the mind in confusion and depression. "Flying Dreamer" expressed dissatisfaction and helplessness of modern metropolitan people when confronting with the reality, they are forced to choose Ah Q way to heal every lonely heart.